Monday, 30 April 2012

About this dieting thing ....

Apologies for this non craft related post , I wanted to hijack the blog tonight with a little 'me therapy' and to share how I am getting on with my weight loss journey ...

Those of you who know me will also know that I have dieted and failed and dieted and failed and so on get the picture. 

This time it's very different.

I have made Weight Watchers a part of my life and so far I am thrilled to report that I have lost 26 lbs ( just 2 more to hit 2 stones) and I have also lost inches, 3 dress sizes and most importantly the feeling of being a fat, frumpy failure ! 

This time I know it's the last time , I can do this and I will do it.

Some of my dearest friends are on this same journey with me and have been a complete inspiration to me ,to them I am eternally grateful, you know who you are xx

If you need to lose weight for health reasons or just for 'you' , join Weight Watchers and I promise you it will make you feel as fabulous as I do right now. I still have a way to go but that's OK because I know it's a case of 'when' and not 'if' ...

Crafty posts will resume next time , thank you for reading this xxx


Mandi Jane Zumba said...

You are amazing...I'm so chuffed to read your updates every week...keep going....You make me so proud.

Dawn said...

Well done you awesome post and my sentiments exactly - xx

Janice said...

I am so proud of you Nic - sooo proud!!! You are looking amazing and are so determined that this is going to work for you, with that sort of attitude why wouldnt it? Thank you for keeping me going too!! xx

Unknown said...

Very inspirational! Might be having to change my diet in the near future, not to loose weight but for health issues. Really can't say I'm looking forward to the prospect.